Due to the temperature control of current cubic hinge apparatus has low precision and poor anti-interference and other disadvantage, a power regulator with the constant power control was designed. 针对六面顶液压机温度控制存在精度低、抗干扰性差等问题,设计了一种恒功率控制的调功器。
Three-Phase Five-column Transformer-DC Power Regulator's Effectiveness Analysis of The Energy-saving 三相五柱芯式变压器直流调压电源的节能效果分析
Wai Kuan power regulator, the addition of wide-band channels; 宽电源稳压围,全波段增补频道;
Automatic power factor regulator 自动功率因素调整器
Heating System Analysis and Precise AC Power Regulator Design of Synthetic Diamond 人造金刚石加热系统分析及其精密交流调功器设计
The power flow regulator based on this method is simple in construction, low in cost, and easy to realize. 实例计算表明对偶式潮流调节器结构简单,经济性好,易于实现。
Via power regulator to control the load, the pollution problem during power network in use may be reduced. 介绍通过调功器来控制负载,可以减轻电网用电过程中的污染问题。
Vibrating type automatic power factor regulator 振动式自动功率因数调整装置
Analysis and Study on Power Factor Regulator Rotor-side Variable Frequency System 功率因数可调的转子变频性能分析和研究
A power regulator of microprocessor-based of arc furnaces 电弧炉微机功率自动调节装置
A Simple Zero-triggered Circuit of Thyristor Power Regulator 一种简单的晶闸管调功器零触发电路
To introduce the controlling temperature principle of the power regulator, the type selecting of the temperature show controlling instrument and the zero passage trigger periodic wave control mode for power regulator. 介绍调功器的控温原理,温度显示控制仪的选型,调功器选用过零触发周波控制方式。
Application of Intelligent Thyristor Power Regulator in the Temperature Control of Electric Heating 智能晶闸管调功器在电加热温度控制中的应用
Application of Alternating Power Regulator to Steel Wire Production 交流调功器在钢丝生产中的应用
A Study of DCC Automatic Reactive Power Regulator DCC无功自动调节装置的研究
A thyristor power regulator, suited to tho load of transformer-like and controlled by the analogue quantities, is introduced. 介绍一种适用于变压器类负荷的晶闸管调功器,采用模拟量控制方式。
Application of the Thyratron Power Regulator to the Drying Kiln of the Electrical Machinery 晶闸管交流调功器在电机绕组烘干炉中的应用
∑-△ Modulation and Its Application to Alternating Power Regulator ∑&△调制及其在交流功率控制中的应用
The output voltage frequency of power regulator will change with the controlling voltage. 根据微机控制电压的大小改变调功器电路输出电压的频率;
In order to improve the precision of power regulator of low voltage and high power, a power regulator of high precision is designed based on MSP430 family of microprocessor. 针对提高低压大功率调功器控制精确度的需要,设计了一种基于MSP430系列单片机的高精确度数字调功器。
A thyristor power regulator controlled by analogue quantities for the load of transformer-like 变压器类负荷模拟量控制晶闸管调功器
There is description on the design principle of power regulator, circuit drawings for main and control feedback circuits. 阐述了调功器的设计原理、主回路和控制回路的电路图。
Hysteretic Mode Power Regulator 磁滞模式电源稳压器
A Single-Phase AC Holo-Cycle Thyristor Power Regulator Based on HDPLD 用HDPLD实现单相晶闸管交流全周波调功器
Study on setting machine electrical control system and control program, using the touch screen for PC, programmable controller, temperature controller, three-phase power regulator as the core control device, in accordance with the requirements of the industrial network to realize automatic stereotypes. 论文主要研究定型机电气控制系统的组成以及控制方案,利用触摸屏作为上位机、可编程控制器、温控器、三相电力调整器作为核心控制设备,按照工艺要求对产业用网实现了自动定型。
Therefore, the power regulator circuit topology to optimize the design to conform to technical requirements of power is one of the key issues of this article. 因此,对电源调压电路拓扑结构进行优化设计,使之符合电源的技术要求是本文的关键问题之一。
For wind turbine system is non-linear and multi-variable, the power regulator applies neural network adaptive controller. 由于风电机组变桨距系统具有非线性、多变量的特性,本文采用神经网络自适应功率调节器。
Putting electric pitch adaptive control servo system into the wind turbine machine system, the generator power regulator is designed. 将电动变桨自适应控制伺服系统引入风力发电机组的整机系统模型中,对发电机输出功率调节器进行研究设计。